Wednesday 29 August 2012

Thinking of starting up this blog which i made a while back but never used, what would you like to see me upload on here if you could choose ? ^_^ x


  1. Hey Alfie, I'd love if you followed my blog!

    and how about uploading weekly posts of your life or something? haha xxxx

  2. ALFIE!!!! So happy you're starting the blog up :) Also congrats on 100,000 subscribers! ;) I think it would be fun for you to just blog about everyday things. I loved the video you did with Marcus that was a "day in the life" kind of thing. Some perhaps something like that? Love you kiddo!

  3. I'd like to see just some random blogs! Like how you day has been, and maybe some outfit posts :)? xxx from Germany

  4. do it! lots of people want to know your random thoughts x) p.s nice face. xx

  5. Something like "how to eat as much as Alfie does?" lol seriously you can put here some behinde the scenes videos or your personal videos from events or something lol idk if i have to be honest i would like to see something about food. Omg how about "cook with Alfie!" hahaha I'm sure your cute little fangirls will spend all days in the kitchen just to be more like you. Lots of love, Agnes! x

  6. Hi Alfie :) I think it would be great if you upload here as well! Also, just like random thoughts as Emma said, that would be amazing! And I have to agree, you do look handsome as always :L haha

    By the way, it would mean so much if you give my YouTube channel a look? :) it's I just make random videos and you're a great inspiration of mine so it would be amazing if you do xxx

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hey Alfie! I LOVE your videos and follow on tumblr as well as twitter. So I figured, why not follow you on blogger! I have a blog as well and its
    and a youtube channel that is
    it would mean a lot if you checked either of them out! Have a great day! (:(:(:

  9. Congratulations on 100,000 subs!! I reckon you could do some vlogging on this? Or maybe just little things that you do each day. I think that fun little videos from time to time would be good too, like the others said!
    Be spontaneous!

    Holly x

  10. ALFIE!!! YEY!!! Love if you followed me? Just blog anything! (BTW your videos are the best)
    :D x

  11. Every day or every other day you could post what you liked the most about your day and what you liked the least :)
    You could also post pictures of interesting things you see during your week.

    (from Germany.. you should come visit..there are great cities here, such as Cologne and Bonn etc. )

  12. Helloooo:) You could post snippets of your everyday life with pictures so we get to know you a bit more, but not in a stalkery way:) You want me to post a link to this on my blog so you get more subscribers & followers who somehow don't know about you yet?

    Eva x

  13. Not that I have many readers yet though, Im fairly new to blogging....

    Eva x

  14. Welcome to the world of blogging, Alfie!

    Since you have a vlog it's going to be a little hard to think about things to blog about since you could always film it but you can post some of the things that doesn't reach your youtube here! You could blog about hanging out with your friends and such :)

    And of course put lots of pictures haha

    - Keith

  15. umm... you could post your marriage proposal to me? hahaha, just kidding. But honestly post whatever. Pictures are cool. haha, love you!

  16. Outfit photos! You always seem to have really cool t-shirts :D

  17. Hey Alfie :)uuum how about blogging about your daily life and your thoughts? Things you're not talking that much about in your videos, just blogging some photos and texts about what you did that day with your friends or whoever :) Greetings from Germany! xx

  18. so glad you made a blog!
    you could just write funny stories or thoughts you have on here! idk... i'd read anything when im bored tbh haha x

  19. Go on, make a blog!;)
    write about anything, believe me some girls will read anything if it's you that's written it :')
    Huuuge fan of yours, follow me on blogger?
    i also have a youtube channel for music, Cozgirl100 (:

  20. First off, how random is it that your actual blog doesn't even get updated?

    Second, I think you should make it a .... POINTLESS BLOG. Kind of a stream of conciousness thing, you know? What you're up to, what you're thinking about, who you're with... To fill in the days between videos :D

  21. HI ALFIE!!!!:)
    Random posts about your life and include some pictures would be nice:)

  22. Yeah I'd love to see posts on here. Would you join in on a Blogtober series?

  23. Definitely!! :)

    lots of love, Dana Carmella
    Bloglovin' & Blog: Pretty Odd ♡

  24. hello go check out my blog
